Trademark is the sign that identifies and distinguishes you in the industry you operate in. Registering your trademark; It is one of the basic conditions for making your idea, work and business special. At the same time, conducting detailed research against similar ones before applying for registration of a trademark protects you from possible objections and ensures that your trademark is unique. As Grup Ofis Marka Patent, we carry out detailed research in Turkey and worldwide for the trademark you want to register. After the suitability research, we carry out your registration process and after the trademark registration is completed, we follow your trademark with the tracking service. We identify similar ones to your trademark and carry out the necessary objection procedures. We provide continuous protection of your trademark against imitations with our holistic approach to pre-registration and post-registration processe


    • Worldwide trademark research
    • Trademark registration applications in 190 countries
    • Follow-up of trademark registration stages
    • Trademark monitoring and renewal processes
    • Post-registration license and transfer transactions, change of address, title and type
    • Well-known trademark application
    • Taking action against imitation trademarks and similar trademarks
    • Carrying out embassy approved power of attorney transactions
    • Detection of similar applications by examining trademark bulletins
    • Timely notification of similar applications detected by our monitoring service
    • Competitor company application tracking
    • Worldwide trademark monitoring